AmigaOS3.5 (599/967)

From:Duane A. Miller
Date:18 May 2000 at 04:42:46

Hi Again,

I have been trying to install AsimCDFS and have been unable to do so. The
installer gets to the point where it is copying asimcdfs.device to the file,
and then says that it "Can't open file DOS Error Type: Unable to locate a
file or drawer. Unfortunatly, this message is infront of the requstor that is
telling me what is going on, and can't be moved. The last thing I saw before
it appeared was that it was copying asimcdfs.device, and I think it finished
that because the file is there, complete. Can anyone tell me what is missing
so I can finish installing AsimCDFS. Thanks for any help. I have tried many
times and that message keeps coming up.

Auf Wienerschnitzel


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